Web site construction packages: include, design layout, stock graphics, scanning, search engine registration, customer must provide logo, artwork, etc.( typing on electronic copy, disk!)
- 5 – 7 pages built in WordPress Responsive Design for Mobile use: Up to 50 lines of text per page x 5 linked pages up to 7 stock graphics or scanned images custom background, Additional images (scanned, digitized, color corrected, & web optimized) are additional. $795.
- 10 -12 pages: Up to 50 lines of text per page x 10 linked pages up to 12 stock graphics or scanned images
custom background, Additional images (scanned, digitized, color corrected, & web optimized) are additional. $995. - If you have a large ( lots of text ) site or need a large site, we would be happy to Quote a package price.
Website Redesigns – Redesigns start at $795. and website must be hosted with Hosting Great Lakes.
Web Updating
Minimal changes to a web site will not be assessed. For example, if your e-mail address changes and you want it corrected on the web page, you will not be charged. Simply e-mail your request. However, if you expect your site to change frequently, a maintenance agreement is highly recommended.
$60/per hour – with a $15 minimum per change/update session
*note; the $60/per hour site design rate will be in effect for any major website changes or redesign.
Sound good? Contact Us by email.